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Mitchell Park

Project Name: Mitchell Park Wildlife Habitat & Green Infrastructure Project
Location: Mountain/1st Neighborhood in Central Tucson, AZ
$ Awarded: 5,956
 Volunteer Hours:   281
 # Trees/Shrubs Planted:  9
 # Basins dug  2

The Mitchell Park Wildlife Habitat & Green Infrastructure Project was awarded a 2013 C2E grant to apply their practical ideas on how to improve and benefit the environment of Mountain/1st Avenue Neighborhood in Central Tucson.  The park is located in a prime spot

Mitchell Park: BEFORE
Mitchell Park: BEFORE

for riparian enhancement as it is situated within about 300 feet of two tributaries of Flowing Wells Wash - Cemetery Wash and Mountain Avenue Wash.  C2E funds were used to install curb cuts and earthen swales to divert storm water from the neighborhood streets while also enhancing the wildlife habitat available.  Native plantings were designed to encourage visits by pollinators and native species of insects, reptiles, and birds.  The next time you visit Mitchell Park, look for signs of wildlife, including ornate tree lizards, Cooper's Hawk, Gambels Quail, coyote, rabbit, and a variety of hummingbirds.  Be especially vigilant for Mitchell Park's "mascot", a Vermillion Flycatcher (fittingly called Mitchell).  

With few parks or public green spaces in the area, the improved wildlife habitat at Mitchell Park reduces the local heat island and enhances recreation opportunities for community members year-round.  As the "crown jewel" of the Neighborhood, Mitchell Park continues to provide an amenity that improves the quality of life of Tucson residents with an added benefit of educating the public about natural water flows and wildlife ecosystems in this desert community.  Among benefits to the human community, the health of the environment is improved by habitat connectivity, shade, and reduced pollution from stormwater run-off.